I did not wear green today. It was not out of protest, I just did not wear green. I do have a protest for today. Please take a few minutes and read a brief history of St. Patrick at theresurgence.com. St. Pats Day is just another Christian Holiday blanked by society. Stop getting blanked.
Sorry I did not update you earlier. We won a pass to the finals at Battle of the Bands in Bricktown a week ago. Thanks to everyone who has supported us and came down. Especially you, Dad (who came from Missouri to see us).
We are hard at work on a new album. We are looking to have our official release party on May 1st at an Engage Your City event that we are holding at my home church, Faith Christian Outreach. Mark your calendars!
Fight the Fade will be playing in the Gorilla Music "Battle of the Bands" on Sunday at Bricktown Live. Tickets are $10. I would love to see all of you there, even though the majority of you who read this do not live in Oklahoma. Road trip. I have also posted the second FTF video. Enjoy!
On Wednesday February 25th Amanda and I traveled to Lenexa, KS to see one of our favorite preachers, Mark Driscoll. As expected, the sermon was a knock out. It was awesome to see so many younger age people excited to come see a preacher. I took six pages of notes and wanted to share them with you. There could be spelling errors and such because these are my raw notes taken on the fly during Mark's sermon. He preached for one hour and fifteen minutes and nobody was ready to leave. Learn more about Mark and his church at www.marshillchurch.org.